In Y4B we had a very interesting discussion where the children came up with lots of questions that we could discuss during our P4C session (see photo). We then had a blind vote and decided that our question would be:

Why did people think Vasya wasn’t normal?

The children came up with lots of interesting ideas about why the people in the story thought Vasya wasn’t normal. This then led to Marcus asking a question which led our discussion in another direction.

Jay: He is classed as not normal because only he can hear the sounds of the paint.

Marcus: What is normal?

Eva: He wants to be different to everyone else. That is normal.

Lilly W: I agree with Eva but I also think normal being unique.

Lucas: I agree with Lilly, its not just being unique though its also being who you want to be.

Madison: You’re right Lucas. You don’t have to be the same as everyone else or who everyone wants you to be.

Lily S: I agree if you always do what everyone tells you then we would all be the same.

Ruby: I agree with Lily if you’re not yourself and don’t have fun and do what you want then you’ll be unhappy like Vasya was in the story.
